Help-24 GmbH (media owner)
Percostraße 15
1220 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (0)1 270 61 08
Fax: +43 (0)1 270 61 08 89
Line of business:
Distribution of medical devices
Business licences:
Processing, reprocessing and leasing of medical devices to the extent that these activities are not covered by another regulated business, and distribution and leasing of medical devices within the meaning of Section 94 Z 33 of the Austrian Trade Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung, “GewO”) 1994
• Magistratisches Bezirksamt (municipal authority) for Vienna’s 22nd district
• Wirtschaftskammer Fachgruppe Chemisches Gewerbe (Chemical Industry Group of the Economic Chamber)
• Applicable commercial and professional regulations available at:
Head office:
Vienna, Austria
VAT ID number:
ATU 69 78 30 59
Trade register number:
FN 437045 p, Vienna Commercial Court
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